There are a multitude of things God has planned for each and every person in his kingdom. For me, going to Guatemala was one of the things he placed in my heart.
His will kicked me out of my comfort zone and I couldn’t be any happier.
Having never left the community of Brownsburg (outside of Guatemala October 2016), I got stuck in the thinking that a good Christian showed up to church on Sunday and gave what they could financially afford to the church. Yet anyone who has ever served outside of the United States can attest that being a good Christian has little to do with your attendance record or your financial contributions.
Guatemala has roughly 7,761,675 people (54% of the pop) living under the poverty line. However, despite the fact that many of the population has nothing to their name, I have never felt God’s love more than I have here. Every small thing in their life is a blessing from God and they give him all the glory. When my team went out to deliver water filters, they did not view it as a gift from the Americans. They viewed it as a gift from God and a sign that he cares for their health and prosperity.
Over the course of the two VBS days we have had so far, I have both felt and seen God presence in the 200+ children we serve. Everyday, they walk through the gates and sprint towards the closest team member to hug and say hi. As the day progresses, they latch onto your neck and hold onto for dear life. The only way I know how to describe it is that each child is surrounded in heavenly light and pure happiness. They share it with every team member, staff member, and fellow child. These children give their all and ask for nothing but your love in return. They are living examples of God and his immortal love. He will love you with every fiber of His being and only ever asks that you love Him back with the same fiery passion.
It’s only day 4 of the trip and I am so beyond prepared for what God has in store for me throughout the rest of the trip. I’m ready to grow spiritually and continue sharing Gods amazing grace and love with each and every child at the learning center.
Thank you for sharing! I loved reading this.
Love it. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!
So thankful for the opportunities to broaden your mind about life as a Christian! The world is big and there is much to learn from its’ people as His creation.