…Don Dyck
We were reminded in a recent blog post by Harvey & Yasmin Cline, that all Christians have received a Call from God regardless of our circumstances to:
“…go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I [Jesus] have commanded you….” (Matthew 28:19 – 20a)
As we answer the Call, the Gospel transforms us individually—one child, one mother or father, one church leader, one teacher, one business person. Romans 1:16a tells us:
“…the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—…”
These transformed individuals become faithful members of communities as families, schools, churches, health clinics, businesses and community development groups.
In the process, entire communities are changed!
Communities become places where God’s Kingdom is continually spreading. It begins with Christ’s unconditional love reflected by transformed individuals—both in our local communities and in other places, near and far. And although it changes our future hope, it does not instantly change our reality.
Mathare Valley Reality
Such is the reality for people in the Mathare Valley of Nairobi, Kenya. In one of the poorest slums in the world, people live with little hope in communities characterized by obscene poverty, debilitating disease and deep despair. It falls upon us—both here and in our US cities, but also in those farther away places—who have experienced God’s redeeming, unconditional love, to share the Gospel and to empower those transformed believers to share not only their hope for the future, but to begin to change their day-to-day reality as productive citizens of both God’s Kingdom and their local community.
Wallace and Mary Kamau answered the Call…
…by reaching out to evangelize individuals, plant churches, build schools and organize community health evangelism groups to the disenfranchised of the Mathare Valley when they founded Missions of Hope International (MoHI). Even though they are in Nairobi, Kenya, it is easy to stay in touch – just follow them on Facebook.
Connection Pointe answered the Call…
…by serving with MoHI and committing to a partnership with the Madoya/Huruma community, one of the slums served by MoHI. It’s our opportunity to join with the Kamaus and MoHI as the Holy Spirit continues His transformational work in that community.
What about you?
You can answer the Call in a variety of ways…
What if…you could become the person who makes the life-changing, community-transforming difference for a child in the Mathare Valley of Nairobi? Details. To see a You Tube video that tells more of this amazing story, go here.
We need money to buy supplies, library books and classroom materials that are part of the specific curriculum at the Madoya/Huruma school, one of 16 M0HI schools in the Mathare Valley serving nearly 13,000 children. Donate.
CP’s next short-term mission team trip to Madoya/Huruma, Kenya is October 11 – 22.
Join a team of volunteers who pray and care for those who serve far away from us. Details.
These pictures from a recent Connection Pointe trip to Kenya give you a glimpse of what God is doing through those who answer the Call. There is much to do and we invite you to join us!
- School Children
- Giles and Alison Emery
- Mathare Valley Homes
- Wallace and Mary Kamau and familly
- John Keshe and Ole Sairowua (Tribal Leader)
- Worship!
- CP teachers and Modoya teachers collaborate…
- Students
- CP teachers sharing with the class
Aaron Steffy is writing an article about the amazing work John and Paris Keshe are doing in Maasialand to provide clean water and to provide Maasai girls with an alternative to an early marriage–through education. Stay tuned!