First walking up to my sponsor child’s house you could feel your heart slowly break. Just looking at the house broke everyone’s heart, the doors had gaps, glass on the windows were broken, and the structure was looking bad.
The inside had nothing in it but a few trash bags of food, a blanket, and cardboard for them to sleep on.
Talking with the Gogo (grandmother) she told us how people come inside and laugh at them, people had come in and robbed them, snakes, chickens and other animals could get in. Through a translator we told the Gogo we had been praying for her and her family. She thanked us for all the prayers and sponsoring her grandchild. We prayed and left.
As a team we talked about how bad the condition was and a few of us decided we had to go back and do something about it. Two of the guys on our team (RT and Lee) purchased roofing sheet metal, hammer and nails from a local hardware store. The next day we traveled back to the house. We put the sheet metal over the bottom and top half of the door and wood under the pieces of metal to make sure the snakes could no longer get in.
The Gogo thanked us and said that she has been praying for her house condition and that her prayers had been answered. She believed God had sent us to help with her home.
Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common in eSwatini. We were fortunate to help this family and pray that God protects and blesses the homesteads of all our sponsored children and friends in Njojane.
I was so sad to learn that their living conditions are so bad. Just breaks my heart. Praising God that your team was able to go back and do some much needed repairs! Thank you all for your kindness, compassion and willingness to help. ❤️
So sad that there are so many people that live in such poor conditions and many of them are probably not even aware of how poor they are are.
Only the ones going to their country and seeing their living conditions realize how poor they are and fortunate we are in America.
Seeing how hard others have it and then we complain about many things that don’t even matter compared to their needs.
Prayers that these people learn of God and trust his salvation so they too will have a mansion one day.