We worshipped with the Talek Community Church, with Pastor Tomas and Paster Moses leading us in the Word. The children greeted us with song and dance which was delightful. It was good to see the impact of these churches and how they continue to grow. Pastor Tomas has helped start 3 more churches in the area.
We went to a special Maasai village. Chief Saiwua, who is chief of the village, greeted us as friends of Dan and Connie Crum. Chief Saiwua was one of the original Christian converts from the Maasai. This heritage has made a huge impact across Kenya. We were honored as friends of Dan and Connie. We were given an in depth view of the village culture. We were welcomed with dance and song. We were then asked to return the favor with a traditional American song. We sang Yankee Doodle Dandy which was well received. I am sure our country’s founders were wondering about our version of the song.
It was a special day with Christian friends that are doing Kingdom work.
This world is not very big when you open your eyes to God’s work.
Click on any picture below to activate the gallery feature and see the picture captions…
- Church at Talek with our Maasai friends
- John Keshe sharing the word at Talek
- The children blessed us with song and dance
- Pastor Tomss shared a message in Maasai and pastor Moses translated
- Sunday afternoon took us to Saiwua’s Maasai village
- We were greeted with a dance and smiles at the Maasai village
- A Maasai Kitchen
- John Keshe with his friend Saiwua, who is chief of the village. They wanted to send greetings to Dan and Connie Crum.
- We are ready for the lions. Maasai wear red to frighten the lions.
Thank you for your servants hearts. I know that God has blessed you abundantly as you served Him on this Trip.