20 hours after we meet at Connection Pointe (excuse the typos :)) we are finally settling in for the night. It’s been an amazing and eventful day. From a little run through the Indy airport due to some slow computer check in issues, one of the vans getting a little stuck after a wrong turn, to our first walk through the community a lot of memories were made.

As we walked through La Commundidad many of our group had their first encounter with absolute poverty. It’s unique beauty, distinctive smell, and the people we saw will be forever ingrained on our hearts.

We asked the students to sum up their walk in one word. The two that stuck out to me were humbling and joyful. It’s a humbling experience to walk among those who have so little, when we know the reality of how we live. Humbling to know that God has a plan to use us to reach this community. Humbling to see life lived without extravagance in pure simplicity. The joyful people who find beauty and life in that simplicity gives a new meaning to life. The joyful giggles of a precious 5 year old girl without even the hope to dream that her reality could go beyond the walls of the four walls she lives in make us want to give her something to dream of. So after many conversations and much processing to come we go to bed to tonight joyful humbled.

While poverty is so ugly on a million levels it has the unique ability to help us see life. My prayer today is that students experience life this week in a way the never could imagine. Thanks for joining us in that prayer and hundreds of others. We can already see God at work!

Love you all!!

The Guatemala Team