In 2007, Steve and Kristen Reeves came to Kenya with Kent Fillinger, Drew and Jen Cougill.  That particular trip ushered in a new era in global missions at Connection Pointe.

Though missions had been a significant part of Connection Pointe history for decades, the heartbeat of the church took on a bigger  missionary profile from that point on. Why do I say that? Look at what has happened since then:

Hundreds of Connection Pointe members have gone on mission trips, serving our partners (Connie and I hosted several teams) in many countries, and returning more inspired to serve here.

Our church members sponsor 650 children in Guatemala, Kenya, Swaziland and the Navajo Nation.

We have church members currently serving residentially in England, Kenya and the Middle East. Others are preparing to go to Europe and Central America. Still other church members have full-time or part-time roles with mission organizations, yet they live locally and worship at Connection Pointe (when they are not travelling for their ministry).

Global Care teams keep up with our global partners, providing prayer support and encouragement. They also provide logistical support and hospitality when our partners visit. Our global partners feel very loved and connected to our church, primarily because of these care teams – often made up of those who have gone on mission trips.

We have global impact weekends on campus to refresh the vision of our part in God’s global kingdom work. Last time we did so, hundreds of people dressed internationally turning our campus into a global looking village. Six people came forward to explore serving in missions for one year or more. Others have been added to that number since then.

Some pastors would choose to focus just on matters nearby, leaving missions to others. Steve has said, “Let’s do both!” Last year, our church gave $1 million dollars off campus to come alongside our community and global partners. Steve has encouraged and promoted this environment as our lead pastor, and his legacy is a global one.

Thank you Steve and Kristen! You have primed us for our next chapter in the ongoing 180-year story of God’s work at Connection Pointe.

Til next week,
