January 25, 2017

Turning my thoughts back to our Connection Pointe home, I want to share with you some upcoming opportunities for involvement with global missions.


On Feb 11, we will have our first letter-writing event of the year, right after our Saturday evening service. Our time together will consist of a light supper, time to write letters to your sponsored children in Guatemala, Kenya and Swaziland, testimonies from students on the impact in their lives of mission trips to Guatemala, and updates on the growing ministry opportunities in Guatemala. We have 60 signed up so far, but there is plenty of room for twice that many! To help us plan, email Teresa Byington if you plan to attend. There was an influx of 45 new students to the Guatemala learning center at Los Verdes, raising the number of children to 230! Many children need a sponsor so if you or someone you know would like to learn more, invite them to come, we will have information that night.


As stated in Global Notes previously (Nov 30), our global trips each year make an impact. We are intentional about where we go, strategic and constantly strive to build up relationships with our partners and the local believers we meet. Last year we had 120 people serve on these trips. This year our numbers will be higher as we have more trips, with many new people already registered to go. If God is challenging you to consider going, I encourage you to take that step of faith and explore how God can use you. We have excellent, experienced leaders for all of our trips who would love to take a full team with them. While you will be expected to raise all of your funds, we also expect God to surprise you with how He provides.  He will meet your needs of the challenge He is calling you to. Trip details are here.

Have a look at these trips, and take time to pray on how God would like you to respond.  And thank you, in advance, for being part of Connection Pointe’s face to expand God’s Kingdom in other countries in 2017!

Til next week,