Greetings from Guatemala!

Wow! God is so good! There is so much to share!

It has been incredible to see how united our group has become during this week. We have had some very encouraging moments worshipping God together though his Word, music, and sharing our daily experiences. Philippians 2 has become a special passage to our group this week; we’ve really focused on humility and putting others needs above our own need. Our students have truly lived out this passage with one another, the children at the Learning Center, and others we have interacted with.

Each student has used gifts from God in a unique way. Our team completed building a beautiful wooden playground with a climbing ladders, monkey bars, tire swing, swings, and a slide! Our team has also moved hundreds of cinder blocks to help build a wall around the Learning Center.

Our students have loved the little kids at the Learning Center each day. They have truly shown the love of Christ by teaching kids God’s Word, teaching them worship songs, and playing with them.

We have been so impressed with spiritual maturity our students- there is way too much to share on this blog. Everyone is doing well (only a couple of students have gotten a little bit sick). Thanks for your prayers! See you on Friday!

In Christ,
