On Tuesday, our team embraced the opportunity to attend a church service in Los Verdes. The local church and Pastor Alfredo are important supporters of the Learning Center. Entering the church, we were excited to see some students and parents from our first two days of VBS, and to meet other congregants.

Pastor had invited us to speak during the service. First, several elders spoke and led worship. Though most of our team could not understand the language, we felt the holiness and beauty of the Word.

Next, it was our turn. Our team read scripture, shared a personal testimony, and blessed and prayed over the local church.

We shared Psalm 67, in which the psalmist asks for God to bless His people, so that they may bless others. It is a prayer for His kingdom to come and for the salvation of all peoples, all nations.

Pastor concluded the service by praying for our team and Connection Pointe, for the prospering of our church’s service in our own community, across the US, and around the world.

After service, we chatted with Pastor and told him that people from our church consistently pray not only for the Learning Center staff, but for him as well. He returned that his church prays for the Learning Center every Monday, and fasts every Thursday. He offered, “God has bonded our two groups; it says in the Bible that two are better than one.”

What a privilege to worship and pray in a different culture, as part of the global Church! We walked back up the hill with full hearts, having experienced a glimmer of when all peoples, all nations are before the throne.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: if either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

-Jeff Lovell