-Chuck Rapp

We were the honored guests Sunday night at a village party hosted by the Mayles.  About 25 – 30 people from the village and the village headman came.  We were joined by AIM teammates Steve and Becka Orner and their three children.

We experienced watching a goat and two chickens get butchered and prepared for the meal. It’s 6:15 AM as I’m writing this and three women from the village are back here washing all the dinner dishes in our front yard. The front yard was also the kitchen for meal preparation.



About six small fires were set and pots of rice, vegetables and meat were cooked. Larger pieces of meat were grilled. Shawn said a prayer of thanksgiving to the Creator God prior to the men’s meal.


Children were served first followed by the men and – lastly – those who did 90% of the work, the women.



The village headman and the people of the village made us feel like honored guests. It was a blessing to share a meal and an evening together with them.