If you sponsor a child in Nairobi, Kenya through The Hope Partnership and CMF you won’t want to miss out on this on this event!

On March 20th we’ll be having a Letter Writing Party. During this party we’ll spend time hearing from Lynn who works with our children in Nairobi. We’ll also take time to let you know what to talk about when you write your child and what you can and cannot send them. You’ll get the chance to hear from people who have been to Nairobi and seen how our school is changing the lives of children in Kenya.  You’ll have the chance to write your child during the event and ask questions about writing your child. You’ll leave with a letter ready to send to your child! This will be family friendly event so bring your kids!

If you don’t sponosor a child but want to hear about what is happening in Nairobi and have the chance to write our staff  you can still join us!

Find out more and register here… www.cpccweb.org/globalprojects  

If you sponsor a child in Swaziland don’t worry! We are planning a Letter Writing Party for you this fall after our team returns! Keep looking for that event!