Our longterm relationship with ASSI and the work in India is well known to many of you. Just last week, this update was sent out from Victor:

On Jan 7th, 2019 some highly ranked police officers & their staff, accompanied by their media team visited the ASSI office in Gorakhpur. They also inaugurated a new police outpost on the street where ASSI is located – Jail Road. They were highly impressed and appreciative of the work done by ASSI. They provided very good quality blankets for all children. They spent 45 minutes with office staff & children. They promised all their support to ASSI.

About a year ago, we had confrontation with the police at ASSI.  One of the officers who was a part of that confrontation was also part of this contingent.  Now this officer has nothing but praise for ASSI and the work we do with the children. He provided a blessing for ASSI for all to hear and see. 

God has a sense of humor. Our labor in the Lord is not in vain.

The pictures below tell the rest of the story.

I believe this verse applies to this situation:

“May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us, yes establish the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:17)

Next month I will be leading a small team to visit our partners in India for mutual encouragement and teaching. It is a privilege to be together with them.

Til next week,
