Mercy… A story from Egypt

Mercy… A story from Egypt

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Mt 5:7) When Connie and I visited Egypt for our 30th anniversary in 2011, the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East were just beginning. Mass cancellations by tourists left Connie and I very noticeable...

Satisfying Our Hunger and Thirst

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.” (Mt 5:6) The New Living Translation says justice, not righteousness, which makes me wonder how they are related. They seem so different. As I studied, I found there are other...


Our team returned from Kenya last week, tired but satisfied. Remarkable trip with many stories I will write about in the future. For now, let me focus on the child sponsorship aspect of our trip. Meet Jacinta. Enrolled in John Keshe’s program to provide disadvantaged...
Meek lived out…

Meek lived out…

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Mt 5:5) John Keshe is meek. John Keshe has done a remarkable job with his pieces of earth inherited from God. For example: He knows Kenya’s famous wildlife. He worked with Michigan State University for 13 years...
Blessed are the meek…

Blessed are the meek…

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Mt 5:5) This is the most difficult beatitude blessing for me to understand. First of all, who says meek anymore? I don’t think it just means humble, as one translation puts it. I’ve also heard gentle as a...
It’s a 6th-generation boy!

It’s a 6th-generation boy!

I’ve been quiet the last few weeks because of a life event. A new family member was born! Connie and I went to Seattle to meet this little one, born March 26. Connie was in the room at the birth while I posted myself in the hallway by the sign, “For safety of staff...