Lifetime of Faithfulness

There is a painting, at the National Gallery of Art, of Daniel in the Lions' Den by Sir Peter Paul Rubens.  Daniel, because of his diet and rigid schedule, was probably, most likely ripped.  Far greater than his external physique was his internal resilience.  His...

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More Help for Missionaries

After serving full time in the West Indies for 13 years, it has been my privilege to work with missionaries through counseling for the last 9 years. Covid 19 has certainly been a unique challenge for everyone but how does that look for missionaries? How can the local...

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Culture Shock

This past week, I talked to some missionaries who had to leave the field (due to Coronavirus) and go back to their country of origin.  This is how I would phrase how they feel: After a long flight, in a non-commercial plane, we handed over our passports as we went...

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Chuck Yeager turned 97 years old this past February.  When he was just 24 years old (October 14, 1947), he piloted the Bell X-1 experimental plane.  His goal was to get the plane to the Mach 1 speed. At 25,000 feet, the plane dropped from the fuselage and its rocket...

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Transition – 6th and Final Year

Last month Connie and I hit the 6-year mark of our move to the USA after 26 years in Kenya. We are nearing the end of the formula for transition back to home culture; for every four years living in another country, it takes one year to adjust upon return. In this...

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Responding to Covid-19 Globally (Part 2)

This month, Dan and I have been connecting with our global partners.  It has been great for me to be able to meet all of them and to hear each of their stories.  We also have had the opportunity to hear about how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected them personally, as...

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Responding to Covid-19 Globally (Part 1)

All this month, Teddy and I have been connecting with our global partners to hear how the global pandemic is affecting them. All of them have been grateful for our initiative to meet with them and let them know they are not forgotten. We prayed with them. We sent...

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New Faces, Same Mission

Having shared with you last time of a change to our global staff, it is time for you to learn more about my colleague Teddy Haubner. The post below is from him and it will give you insight to his heart and motivation for global ministry. As he has learned quickly...

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Global Impact Update – Trips and Personnel

As I begin this post, our world has radically changed. In the coming weeks I plan to bring updates from our global partners and how the spread of covid19 is impacting them personally and in their work. Our trip to Panama Feb 26-March 2 was highly successful! Jose and...

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Deciding Where a New Church Meets

Planting a new church can be done in so many ways. Some start from scratch, others start with a few hundred on opening day. The variety of meeting places is in the thousands. They all meet a purpose for a season. Some stay as just one church, others reproduce...

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Coronavirus and Mission Trips

A parent asked this past weekend about the March student trip to Guatemala, and how the current situation with coronavirus would affect it. Excellent question. Below is my response: Thanks for asking. Teresa and I have been watching coronavirus shortly after it...

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India Intrigue

We have a team of 5 men returning from India today. Look for a few guest posts in the coming weeks from them. Many of you know that Africa captured my heart long ago. In the last few years, India has captured my intrigue. The intrigue of India unfolds every time I...

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Prayer When the Words Don’t Come

And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit...

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Faith 2020

Instead of a new year’s resolution, I recently moved to “a word for the year.” This has given me a central point to focus my thoughts, prayers, study and decisions. In 2018 my word was clarity. In 2019 it was discipline. This year it’s FAITH. I’m talking about faith...

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Talek – 10 years later

Last month, as I looked at Facebook, I found this picture (Talek Church worships while new building is under construction – Facebook post of Thomas Pesi) This made me laugh, out of sheer joy. Here’s the story: Ten years ago, there was no church building existing here....

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The Grace in Christ’s Birth

This will be my last post for this year. It has been a full and rewarding 2019. I especially appreciate all the guest writers who contributed to Global Notes. We are all richer from hearing so many different perspectives on God’s work around the world. As we...

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Thriving in the Midst of Challenge by Chuck Rapp

We have just completed our Changemakers series at Connection Pointe, where we heard so many stories of God’s work around the world. There is much to be thankful for as the Lord brings people into His Kingdom.  In this post and the previous post we hear two more...

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The Realities of Being Global by Shane Christopher

We have just completed our Changemakers series at Connection Pointe, where we heard so many stories of God’s work around the world. There is much to be thankful for as the Lord brings people into His Kingdom.  This week and next you will hear two more stories of God’s...

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Connection Pointe has had the blessing of visiting Mountain Mission School in Grundy, VA on several occasions including two separate week-long mission trips.   The most recent trip was during the first full week of Brownsburg Schools fall break, October 12-19....

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Choosing Joy

Written by Lily Lovell (age 13) | Guatemala 2019 Trip GOD GIVES US MANY BLESSINGS Our team split  into groups to visit families’ homes and talk to them about the dreams for their children, see their homes, and have a glimpse into what they face every day. Our group...

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Does Anyone Else Find This Amazing?

“Disciples would do what a rabbi told them to do.” John Dickerson, commenting on Matthew 28:18-20. When Jesus said to his disciples Follow me and Go and make disciples of all nations they did. When Jesus told Peter to come to him walking on the water, he got out of...

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Love One Another by Natalie Bussell

Tears streamed slowly down my face as I tried to compose myself watching a preschooler softly sway to Christian music, so touched she has her eyes closed as she sings. A song we’ve listened to hundreds of times and have heard our own worship band at Connection Pointe...

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EDUCATION … Do we “Get It”? by Neely McLoed

Neely McLoed grew up attending Connection Pointe, and was a passionate member of The Net as a young adult. After serving on six travel teams through high school and college, God led her to a full-time position working alongside of VisionTrust Guatemala in 2019. Neely...

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The Power of 1+1 by Kristen Overbey

What happens to your heart when you hear these words? You are so loved! I’m praying for you.  I am so proud of you! Your smile lights up my heart. I am thinking about you. I see you working so hard! Having you in my life is a blessing. God bless you! I believe in you!...

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God’s Love has No Borders… by Ashley Brackin

Yesterday I visited the homestead of my sponsor child. It was a beautiful and amazing experience in how God brought two single mothers from across the globe together to show us that we are never alone. No mater our struggles, no matter the season of life we are in, we...

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Global Health Crisis and “More” by Eric Peak

As a member of Connection Pointe, I have had the privilege of serving with Vision Trust on five short term mission trips to Guatemala; and had the honor of co-leading two of them. These trips (along with my day job as a pharmacist) really sparked my interest in global...

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GLOBAL NOTES: Running the Race

GUEST  WRITER: Ashley Hentrich is a Donor Partner Liaison with VisionTrust International.  Her primary role is to support churches in engaging their congregation to serve the staff, children and families of VisionTrust through child sponsorship and short-term mission...

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I wrote last week about Justice (link here) and mentioned that we are focusing in India and Guatemala with IJM ( They are advocating for vulnerable children. Another way we engage with advocacy for children is through child sponsorship. More than an...

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We recently started supporting International Justice Mission. They are involved in many countries, working to end... Slavery Human trafficking Domestic violence Land theft Police abuse of power Our partnership will be focused in two of the countries where we already...

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One of my favorite things to do is talk to people about the stirring of their heart toward missions. Back in 2015, Connie and I started meeting with a small group of people who all felt this stirring, to serve overseas for one year or more. All who were in that first...

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Today is the somber anniversary of 9/11. Many remembrances are occurring around the country and around the world. I don’t remember what I was doing on that fateful day in 2001, but I do know I was in Nairobi. When news broke of who was behind it, I was reminded of the...

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This month marks two work anniversaries. 5 years for me on staff at Connection Pointe, and for Teresa…. 27!! We enjoy what we do, leading our church’s involvement in God’s Kingdom work all around the world. While I am one who likes to reflect on the past, I would like...

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A group of us were recently reading Scripture together, and we came across a verse that included weapons of war: But from then on, only half my men worked while the other half stood guard with spears, shields, bows, and coats of mail. (Nehemiah 4:16a, NLT) When we...

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POWER I began thinking about power several years ago, when I realized I had it. I was a respected minority, with resources, position and education that gave me access to people and places that the majority didn’t have. When I understood the capability of that power, I...

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One of the best things about my role at Connection Pointe is the relationship I have built with our global partners. They are Rock stars, every one of them. For those who were in our services this past weekend, you heard from one of them – Paul. Yesterday I had a...

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Jesus Knew

Before the Passover celebration, Jesus knew that his hour had come to leave this world and return to his Father. (John 13:1a) Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. (John 13:3) For...

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Project: Classroom Local and Global

This weekend begins Project: Classroom, an annual summer feature at Connection Pointe. We have the privilege to bless teachers with resources that would not be covered in their regular budget. By focusing our attention on the teachers, they are better equipped to make...

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Who’s There?

“We had hoped he was the Messiah who had come to rescue Israel. This all happened three days ago.” (Luke 24:21) Hopes can be dashed, just like these men. Their most recent report was that of an empty tomb and they couldn’t make sense of it. Turns out they were...

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by Jack Copeland, age 17 Mambo! Last night we safely landed in Nairobi and arrived at Grace House. It felt incredible to finally arrive on this trip I had been imagining for months!! However, I knew that even with as many youtube videos titled “Top 10 Tips for...

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Made for More

When I started on staff at Connection Pointe, the most commonly verbalized understanding of missions was a mission trip of 6-10 days. It was touchable and explainable. The second most common understanding of missions was missionaries, a life committed to serving and...

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CP Global Summer – Up Close and Personal

Summer is the busiest time for Global Impact at Connection Pointe. Six global partners will be on campus! Two teams are going to Africa! If you spot one of our global partners during weekend services, introduce yourself and thank them for their ministry. Remember to...

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An Example of Courage

After Peter cut off Malchus’s ear in the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus told Peter to stop fighting: Put away your sword. Those who use the sword will die by the sword. Don’t you realize that I could ask my Father for thousands of angels to protect us, and he would send...

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Missionary Care

One of the things we are working to improve at Connection Pointe is our care for missionaries. We have written guidelines for sending people into cross-cultural missions service, but have few written guidelines to sustain them on the field and receive them back....

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Blessing Generations

This past weekend our pastor John Dickerson spoke on raising the next generation, encouraging us as parents (and grandparents) to teach our children the ways of the Lord and to live a life that demonstrates those ways. He spoke from Psalm 112: Praise the Lord! How...

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Engaging Muslims During Ramadan

Do you know about Ramadan? It is a 30-day period of fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam, observed by Muslims worldwide. Connection Pointe has several partnerships that are involved with Muslims – in the Balkans, Turkey, Middle East, India, and England. There are...

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GLOBAL NOTES: Hello from Guatemala

Neely McLoed was sent by Connection Pointe to Guatemala in January to serve for 2 years in cross-cultural ministry. Affiliated with Commission to Every Nation (, Neely is a fluent Spanish speaker and has taken several mission trips in the past few years...

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The Significance of Buildings is their Story

Our world was aghast this week when Notre Dame in Paris was heavily damaged in a fire. Many people have posted pictures of past visits, thankful they could see it before this happened. Our own family was there in 1992, when we visited friends in France. Already, there...

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The Prosperity Test

We are in the midst of 4 Connection Pointe teams going out between Feb 20 – Apr 20 India Turkey Roseland (Ms Pearl) Kenya All of these places have significant challenges of poverty, with several having the added test of persecution because of being a Christian. But...

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Theology vs Real Life in India

We returned from India March 3. Great trip. Always good to be with believers on their turf in their home country. Always inspiring and humbling to hear their stories. As expected, my teaching on theology of suffering paled in comparison to the suffering we learned...

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Theology of Suffering (Part 4)

God provides the will and supplies for going well through suffering. Have you ever wondered how you would handle a persecutor threatening your life, or a time of deep despair when all hope was lost? I have. I do not know how I would respond, but I know there are...

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Theology of Suffering (Part 3)

Principles from Be Still, My Soul In preparing to share about suffering, I’ve been reading Be Still, My Soul and learning how other followers of Jesus view suffering. Here’s what they said: Suffering is not something to avoid. God can use suffering. See what He did...

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Theology of Suffering (Part 2)

As my wife and I sorted through our thoughts in this dark time, we reached an understanding that suffering is a normal part of the Christian life.  In fact, Jesus himself suffered… when he was tempted (Heb 2:18) he learned obedience from what he suffered (Heb 5:8) he...

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Theology of Suffering

I leave next week for India with Drew and Aaron. I was asked to prepare a teaching on the Theology of Suffering to share with the leaders there. I wanted you to have it too as a way to remember us in prayer. This is the first of 4 posts on what I have prepared. Thirty...

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Mission trip members needed…

I wanted to make you aware of three trips this year that are eager to have more people. All are to Africa, a place near and dear to my heart! All are places we sponsor children. All are longhaul flights, but the people at the other end make it all worthwhile. Kenya -...

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Return On Investment. There seems to be a whole science that helps a person investing money to receive the best possible return in profit. Just about any of us (including me) want our money to grow so there’s more of it. I think of our first house purchase in 2015 as...

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Update from India: One year later…

Our longterm relationship with ASSI and the work in India is well known to many of you. Just last week, this update was sent out from Victor: On Jan 7th, 2019 some highly ranked police officers & their staff, accompanied by their media team visited the ASSI office...

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Sending Neely

This past weekend in all of our services we were privileged to have a moment of prayer in sending Neely McLoed as a missionary to Guatemala. Her commitment is for two years, to work with the Vision Trust staff at Los Verdes where all the Connection Pointe sponsored...

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Life from Death

In Romans 5 and 6 the word death/die/died/dead appears 27 times. That could make quite a depressing read without the context. In those two chapters we read over and over of death’s relationship to sin, but also to life and hope. For example: Sin brought death – 5:12...

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The Wednesday Review

Black Friday. Cyber Monday. Giving Tuesday.  These are all Western creations (I think) that encourage us to get started on our Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving, except Tuesday when we’re encouraged to “take a break from spending” (said the radio ad) and...

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Light Over Darkness

Diwali was celebrated yesterday in India. It is a festival of lights, as important to Hindu, Sikh and Jain as Christmas is to Christians. Diwali is a time to celebrate light overcoming darkness, good over evil. Sound familiar? As followers of Christ, this sounds very...

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Keshe’s First Visit

Many of you had the chance to visit with John and Peris Keshe on their first trip ever to America. John and Peris are our beloved Connection Pointe partners from Kenya, where they oversee an organization they founded that provides support for vulnerable Maasai girls...

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Inspiration from South America

Connection Pointe has supported two works in South America for decades. Bruce and Alice Higham work with the Ayore, Bruce E and Cindy Higham, Nathan and Noah work with the Maco. (Bruce E is the son of Bruce and Alice.) On Saturday October 20, the Living Room was...

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Fall Trips are in full swing!

This week, we have two trips in progress: Guatemala – led by Jeff Lovell and Eric Peak. This team is doing a Vacation Bible School, and several of the trip members are (once again) spending time with their sponsored child. Connection Pointe member Neely McLoed is...

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Hope of Nations and Jenn Newingham

Our church is currently in a series called Hope of Nations. We are being prepared to live out our faith in America as it races fully towards a post-Christian, post-truth society. We’ve been told that western Europe is ahead of the USA in having this kind of...

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God’s Global WORD

I have a collection of Bibles at my desk that are in different languages. They serve as a constant reminder that God speaks to people in their heart language, and He wants to meet us all on a heart level. On Oct 20 at 6:30 pm, we will have two families visiting us who...

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“The graveyard of missions has become the vineyard of the Lord.” -Victor John Victor John was referring to north India, where the growth of the church has reached millions in the last twenty years. Before that, very few new believers had come to Christ in spite of...

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This weekend our lobby will be filled with opportunities to sponsor children. Search out #1plus1cp to read a few people’s stories on how this has changed the lives of the sponsors and the children. 1+1 is the symbol we use for our goal to have one child sponsored in...

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Telling stories is a universal practice and one of the best ways to share something meaningful and memorable. YOUR STORY… Over the next couple weeks, I want to encourage all of you who sponsor children to tell us your stories. Whether you have visited them or not,...

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What I Think is Coming in Decade 7

I was asked last week what I think the next decade of my life will look like. I anticipate these: Finish well/Retire from paid ministry Continue in global influence most of this time, with regular travel Increased focus and time in supporting and encouraging our...

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Your Decade List

Those who know me are aware of my high value of periodic reflection on one’s life. I like the annual rhythm at the end of each year. I usually uncover a theme for the year, sometimes a surprising one. The theme of transition has been a regular one, as has education...

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Further Re-entry Insights

It’s been over 4 years since Connie and I moved back to the USA from our 26 years in Kenya. I shared a few thoughts at our 3-year mark (read here). Since that time, I’ve had a few more a-ha moments. TAXES – I’m finally on board with how to file as a full-time...

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Blessed Persecution

“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:10) In some ways this verse is an extension of Matthew 5:6 that speaks of a hunger and thirst for righteousness that only God can satisfy.  We can’t become...

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“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9) God is the God of order. He spoke the chaos into order in Genesis 1. His Son Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. By bringing peace we honor the family Name. Yet to make peace...

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Pure in Heart

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8) The common person reading this verse would likely say, “That’s not me. I’m not pure in heart.” No one is, all the time. But many do strive for it and have times of success. For example: An African...

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June Globetrotters

CONNECTION POINTE GOING OUT... This Saturday June 9, we have a team of students going to Guatemala. These are always effective and encouraging trips, anticipated by the children and staff at Los Verdes. Many of you are aware of the eruption of the Fuego Volcano in...

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Mercy… A story from Egypt

“Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” (Mt 5:7) When Connie and I visited Egypt for our 30th anniversary in 2011, the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East were just beginning. Mass cancellations by tourists left Connie and I very noticeable...

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Satisfying Our Hunger and Thirst

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.” (Mt 5:6) The New Living Translation says justice, not righteousness, which makes me wonder how they are related. They seem so different. As I studied, I found there are other...

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Our team returned from Kenya last week, tired but satisfied. Remarkable trip with many stories I will write about in the future. For now, let me focus on the child sponsorship aspect of our trip. Meet Jacinta. Enrolled in John Keshe’s program to provide disadvantaged...

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Meek lived out…

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Mt 5:5) John Keshe is meek. John Keshe has done a remarkable job with his pieces of earth inherited from God. For example: He knows Kenya’s famous wildlife. He worked with Michigan State University for 13 years...

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Blessed are the meek…

“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.” (Mt 5:5) This is the most difficult beatitude blessing for me to understand. First of all, who says meek anymore? I don’t think it just means humble, as one translation puts it. I’ve also heard gentle as a...

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It’s a 6th-generation boy!

I’ve been quiet the last few weeks because of a life event. A new family member was born! Connie and I went to Seattle to meet this little one, born March 26. Connie was in the room at the birth while I posted myself in the hallway by the sign, “For safety of staff...

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Comfort Deep Down

“… for they will be comforted.” Mt 5:4b It is God’s nature to comfort. “Sing for joy, O heavens! Rejoice, O earth! Burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on them in their suffering.” (Isaiah 49:13) In John 16:7...

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Good Mourning

Mt 5:4a – “Blessed are those who mourn….” When we mourn, we grieve a loss. When we take time to sit with it, lean into the emptiness, the hole that’s been left, feel the hurt, cry the tears, express the pain, lament to God and others, acknowledge the change… something...

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Kingdom Blessings

“… for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3 NIV) The scriptures mention Kingdom of God, Kingdom of Christ, kingdom of priests, and even just Kingdom. What is the difference and what are the similarities? Are they physical places or something else? Since we...

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Poor in Spirit

“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3 NIV) Does poor in spirit mean spiritual poverty? Only if the poverty is a realization of one’s lack of God and the search for Him is on. God blesses that kind of sincere effort. Or...

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Global Beatitude Blessings

Blessings are God’s idea. They are throughout the Bible. Birthrights were blessings. The angel called Mary blessed. Children sought their father’s blessing. Scripture says that God blessed Abraham and Abraham would bless others. God would bless those who bless...

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Just recently I had an ah-ha moment: There are programmed ways people absorb information in every country. In our country it usually consists of one or more of these elements: school, being taught or coached, books, ebooks, internships, technology and the internet....

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Our high-caliber team arrived in India and has had a strong start. Remember to pray for their continued adjustment to the 10 ½ hour time change, different foods, cultural differences all around, strong health, and being away from their families. Their interactions...

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One of the biggest challenges I have as the global impact director at our church is keeping everyone digitally informed of what our global partners are doing in parts of the world that are hostile to our Christian faith. I would love to tell you more, have you pray...

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I keep a book of my favorite quotes. The ones below are from people in other cultures. Enjoy. The call of God is like the call of the sea, no one hears it but the one who has the nature of the sea in him – Oswald Chambers (ministry in Egypt) God expects His children...

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When I read Romans 2:17-29, Paul is telling the Jewish followers of Christ that they are not living believable lives. Born to Jewish parents and circumcised, they are relying on their Jewishness as the more important credential versus a heart that is right with God...

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What a gift we were given…

Connie and I had the joy of hosting all our children and their families for a week over Christmas. What a gift this was to us, as they all live on the west and east coast. We had good talks while they were here, but mostly we just enjoyed being with each other, good...

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Christmas Strange and Familiar

Giving of gifts at Christmas is common around the world. Food is even more common at Christmas, but done in a variety of ways. For example, we slaughtered a cow and had 250 people over for Christmas Eve lunch in 1991. The chai servers carried around 5-gallon buckets...

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The Stand Outs of 2017

As I reflect on Global Impact at Connection Pointe this year, these things stand out to me: God is stirring hearts for global service. With the addition of twelve people recently expressing interest in serving overseas for one year or more, we are becoming an...

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Thank You Trip Leaders

This past Sunday we hosted our mission trip leaders for a brunch to thank them for their ministry impact and leadership in global settings. We had 102 people on our global trips this year, which could not have happened without the commitment and capabilities of these...

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Global Impact Weekend Review

Three things stand out from this past weekend of Global Impact at Connection Pointe: Our video at the end of each service with greetings from our global partners was an “aha moment” for many.  So many people sharing about Christ in so many part of the world, and we...

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 Thanksgiving Concept

As we gather with others this Thursday to thank God for our blessings, it brings to my mind a curiosity of how global this concept of Thanksgiving might be. A google search revealed a commonality of harvest and being thankful, but whom to thank was varied: Thanks to...

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